September 06, 2007

Trust - Part 1

Do you trust me?

Trust is the cornerstone not only of business, but in our day to day interactions with people. Without an element of trust, we wouldn’t make the purchases we make, read the papers we read, watch the news on the channel we do, go to the dentist we’ve gone to the past x years, the doctor for the past z years, or the hairdresser that we’ve been to for even longer!

It’s all a matter of trust.

But what is trust? One dictionary definition is that trust is ‘the firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing’.

Trust can be narrowed down to f
our components: Reliability, Credibility, Intimacy, Client Focus.

To build up trust, especially in that client/service provider relationshi
p, these four components must be satisfied. This is rarely achieved instantly, although an impact can be made very quickly. Also note that the level of each of these can vary from appointment to appointment.

One way to consider these components would be like bars on a flow chart. These bars will slide depending on how the relationship with the client is progressing.

Part 2 to follow
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